Who we are
American Indo-Pacific Forum (AIPF) is a group focused on strengthening American Indo-Pacific Relationships in the background of QUAD-rilateral security dialogues and cooperative strategies in multiple spheres such as Security, Policy Management, Free and Open Indo-Pacific, etc.
The US-India Security Council and Forum, which played a crucial role in historic US-Indian cooperative undertakings, gave rise to the American Indo-Pacific Forum. We are spread across the United States and have chapters in various states. As a group, we look forward to presenting the quickly evolving Indo-Pacific Theater and the challenges, solutions, and preparedness of the American Indo-Pacific Alliance in the Region.
To build a cross-civilizational , collaborative, influential community of experts to guide and advise the geo-political decision makers in the Indo-Pacific region to deal with the constantly evolving challenges and keep it open, rule-based, and cooperative
Our think tank’s mission is to research and advocate for governance, national security, politics, military, technology, global finance, cybersecurity, space, and culture, with a specific focus on the Indo-Pacific region.